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Article in Japanese

Case Report

A Case of Bronchioloalveolar Cell Carcinoma with Bilateral Diffuse Interstitial Infiltrative Shadow During the Treatment of Takatsuki's Disease

Masayuki Kashima  Masahiro Sasaki  Takefumi Ito  Akiko Watanabe  Masaaki Sano  Manabu Kagaya  Mamoru Miura 

The Second Department of Internal Medicine, Akita University School of Medicine, Akita, Japan


A 54-year old man treaten with Takatsuki's disease was referred to us complaining of cough and excessive sputum. A chest roentgenogram showed bilateral diffuse interstitial infiltrative shadow. Chest CT showed banding shadows around the bronchioles and lobule-septum thickening in the right middle and both lower lung fields, and many small nodules in both lower lung fields. The histological diagnosis was adenocarcinoma replaced with one layer of bronchiolar epithelium, and partly bronchiolo-alveolar carcinoma. The patient received 3 courses of combination chemotheraphy with docetaxel and cisplatin. After chemotherapy, the chest CT showed no change. The clinicopathological characteristics of this rare case included adenocarcinoma mixed with bronchioloalveolar carcinoma, in which radiography showed bilateral diffuse interstitial infiltrative shadow.


Bronchiolo alveolar carcinoma  Takatuki disease  Transbronchial lung biopsy  CA19-9  Transbronchial dissemination 

Received 平成12年12月20日

JJRS, 39(6): 399-404, 2001

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