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Article in Japanese

Case Report

Severe Klebsiella pneumonia Improved by Endotoxin Adsorption and Continuous Hemodiafiltration

Tadashi Kamata  Yoshiro Mochizuki  Yasuharu Nakahara  Akira Tanaka  Tetsuji Kawamura  Shin Sasaki 

Department of International Medicine, Himeji National Hospital, Himeji, Japan


A 57-year-old man who had past history of alcoholic hepatitis was admitted to our hospital because of fever, general malaise and dyspnea. Chest X-ray films and computed tomographic scans disclosed lobar pneumonia of the right upper lobe. Laboratory tests showed hypoxemia and renal dysfunction. Artificial ventilation, endotoxin adsorption (PMX) and continuous hemodiafiltration (CHDF) were started on the day after admission because of the appearance of progressive renal failure, hypotension and disturbance of consciousness. A diagnosis of septic multiple organ failure was made on the basis of a blood and sputum culture that revealed a K. pneumoniae infection. After the initiation of intensive therapy, the patient's general condition improved and artificial ventilation, PMX and CHDF were withdrawn. However, MRSA was isolated from sputum specimens and a lung abscess developed. In spite of vancomycin administration, the effect was limited. The patient underwent a right upper lobectomy and was discharged. The prognosis of bacteremic K. pneumoniae pneumonia in alcoholics is reported to be very poor. In our case, it is suggested that PMX and CHDF contributed to the improvement of the clinical course.


Klebsiella pneumonia  Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS)  Septic multiple organ failure  Endotoxin adsorption (PMX)  Continuous hemodiafitration (CHDF) 

Received 平成12年9月4日

JJRS, 39(6): 419-424, 2001

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