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Article in Japanese

Case Report

Asymptomatic pulmonary actinomycosis diagnosed by transbronchial lung biopsy (TBLB)

Akira Tokuda1)  Nobuyuki Katayama1)  Yasuto Nakatsumi1)  Masaki Fujimura2) 

1)Department of Respiratory Medicine, Kanazawa Municipal Hospital 2)Division of Respiratory Medicine, School of Medicine, Kanazawa University


A 65-year-old asymptomatic man was admitted to our hospital because a chest abnormal shadow had been pointed out on a medical examination. Our investigation resulted that the consolidation in the left lung had been initially documented in 2002, and had been expanding every year. Bronchofiberscopy showed flare, swelling and stenosis of the left B8, B9 and B10. Because the biopsy specimen from the B9 showed a mass of bacteria and surrounding granulation tissue, pulmonary actinomycosis was diagnosed. Pulmonary actinomycosis should be considered in the differential diagnosis of abnormal chest shadows regardless of the absence of symptoms.


Pulmonary actinomycosis  Bronchofiberscopy  Transbronchial lungbiopsy  Medical examination 

Received 平成18年11月13日

JJRS, 45(6): 494-498, 2007

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