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Article in Japanese

Case Report

Bird-related chronic hypersensitivity pneuminitis demonstrating the fluctuation of disease activity accompanied with environmental changes

Yuu Hara1)  Hideo Kobayashi1)  Hisayuki Osoreda1)  Soichiro Kanoh1)  Kazuo Motoyoshi1)  Yuichi Ozeki2) 

1)Division of Respiratory Medicine, Department of Medicine, National Defense Medical College 2)Department of Thoracic Surgery, National Defense Medical College


We report a case of bird-related chronic hypersensitivity pneuminitis exhibiting the fluctuation of serum markers for interstitial lung disease along with the changes in life environment. A 65-year-old man had had an abnormal chest radiograph for 2 years and had complained of a non-productive cough. He had had 30 parakeets 20 years previously and had used feather products for 15 years. In autumn and early winter wild birds had visited persimmons trees in the neighboring garden. Antibodies to bird-related antigens in the broncho-alveolar lavage fluids and sera were positive and the thoracoscopic lung biopsy specimens histologically revealed airway-centered fibrosis. We then determined he was having bird-related chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis. After avoidance of feather products, all of serum SP-A, SP-D and KL-6 decreased. But three markers elevated and radiographic findings worsened accompanied with the increase of visiting wild birds in next autumn. After pruning persimmon trees and starting corticosteroid with cyclosporine, disease activity gradually improved.


Bird-related chronic hypersensitivity pneumonia  Wild bird  Feather product  Life environment  Surfactant protein A 

Received 平成20年5月20日

JJRS, 46(12): 1045-1049, 2008

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