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Article in Japanese

Case Report

A case of appendiceal metastasis of lung cancer diagnosed from acute appendicitis

Tomonobu Kawaguchia  Yuzo Yamamotoa  Shin Takesueb  Hirofumi Yamamotob  Yutaka Nakashimac  Miiru Izumia 

aDepartment of Respiratory Medicine, Fukuoka Red Cross Hospital
bDepartment of Surgery, Fukuoka Red Cross Hospital
cDepartment of Pathology, Fukuoka Red Cross Hospital


The patient was a 70-year-old female diagnosed with lung adenocarcinoma stage IV (cT1aN1M1b) in March 2012. Based on this diagnosis, she had received chemotherapy with cisplatin plus pemetrexed for two cycles. Although she was admitted to our hospital for third cycle of her chemotherapy in May 2012, treatment was held because of her abdominal pain. Physical examination showed mild right iliac fossa tenderness. Abdominal computed tomography showed a swelling of the appendix. We considered these findings to be consistent with acute appendicitis. An appendectomy was performed, and pathologic findings showed metastasis to the appendix from lung cancer. It was suggested that luminal obstruction of the appendix by the metastatic mass had caused acute appendicitis in this case.


Adenocarcinoma of the lung  Appendiceal metastasis  Acute appendicitis 

Received 19 Sep 2014 / Accepted 12 Dec 2014

AJRS, 4(2): 149-152, 2015

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