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日本呼吸器学会誌 増刊号 学術講演会プログラム 抄録集 全文PDF


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Article in Japanese

Case Report

A case of pulmonary carcinosarcoma and a summary of 17 cases reported in Japan

Akiko Mito1)  Ryohei Nishino1)  Shin Akita1)  Keiji Shiomi1)  Haruko Daga1)  Nobuyuki Ohashi1)  Ken-ichi Arita1)  Megumu Fujiwara2) 

Department of Respiratory Diseases1) and Pathology2), Hiroshima Red Cross Hospital and Atomic Bomb Survivors Hospital


The patient was a 69-year-old man who complained of dyspnea and severe general fatigue. Chest CT showed a large tumor (6× 5 cm) in the left S3 toegther with left pleural effusion. Despite pleurodesis and chemotherapy, he died 1.5 months after admission. At autopsy, a final diagnosis of pulmonary carcinosarcoma was obtained. We have summarized 17 cases of pulmonary carcinosarcoma reported in Japan. All patients were men, and had an average age of 68 years. The majority of the patients were heavy smokers. Death was reported in 70% of cases, the median survival period being 5 months, whereas the patients reported as living had operable cases of T2 tumor without distant metastatic lesions.


Carcinosarcoma  Lung cancer  Lung tumor  Cases reported in Japan  Autopsy 

Received 平成15年11月17日

JJRS, 42(8): 749-754, 2004

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