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日本呼吸器学会英文誌 Respiratory Investigation
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Article in Japanese

Case Report

A case of malignant mesothelioma presenting with recurrent pneumothorax

Nobuyuki Katayama1)  Akira Tokuda1)  Yasuto Nakatsumi1)  Yoshitaka Oribe2)  Masaki Fujimura3) 

1)Department of Respiratory Medicine, Kanazawa Municipal Hospital 2)Internal Medicine, Keiju General Hospital 3)Respiratory Medicine, Cellular Transplantation Biology, Kanazawa University Graduate School of Medical Science


A 71-year-old man was found to have right hydropneumothorax by chest X-ray film on a regular checkup. Thoracic drainage and bullectomy by thoracoscopy did not improve the pneumothorax, so pleurodesis with OK-432 was done. Pneumothorax recurred twice, requiring thoracic drainage and pleurodesis. Although pneumothorax was treated successfully, increased pleural effusion, pleural thickening and subcutaneal tumor at the thoracic drainage suture site developed. The concentration of hyaluronic acid in the pleural fluid was very high. The histological examination of the biopsied subcutaneous tumor showed mixed type malignant pleural mesothelioma. Chemotherapy with gemcitabine and vinorelbine could not control the progression.


Malignant pleural mesothelioma  Pneumothorax  Pleural effusion 

Received 平成17年11月21日

JJRS, 44(11): 807-811, 2006

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