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Article in Japanese

Case Report

A case of extensive subcutaneous sarcoidosis for which tranilast is effective for the lung lesion

Yutaka Shishikuraa  Kan Sasamoria  Noriko Izumiyamaa  Tadashi Kikuchia  Hiroshi Mikia  Osamu Iizawab  Yoshihiro Kikuchia 

a Department of Respiratory Medicine, National Hospital Organization, Sendai Medical Center
b Department of Dermatology, National Hospital Organization, Sendai Medical Center


A 67-year-old woman visited the Department of Dermatology with asymptomatic subcutaneous indurations on both extensional forearms, both knee joints, and hip. A biopsy specimen of an extensional forearm showed noncaseating epithelioid cell granulomas with giant cells. She was referred to our department on suspicion of sarcoidosis. We performed bronchoalveolar lavage and transbronchial lung biopsy, and we made a diagnosis of sarcoidosis. We started 300 mg/day tranilast for cutaneous sarcoidosis. About 1 month later these indurations were reduced two-thirds, and the next 2 months later they were nearly diminished. After about 5 months of treatment with tranilast, a chest CT showed improvement in her bilateral diffuse shadow in the lung fields, and serum ACE fell to normal. These lesions have not relapsed after the withdrawal of tranilast.


Sarcoidosis  Tranilast  Extensive subcutaneous sarcoidosis 

Received 10 Aug 2011 / Accepted 6 Oct 2011

AJRS, 1(2): 165-169, 2012

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