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Article in Japanese

Case Report

A case of IgG4-related disease with posterior mediastinal tumor around thoracic vertebrae

Yuko Taniguchia,*  Yukiko Moriyamaa  Takahiro Mitsumuraa  Reiko Takia  Masafumi Yoshizawaa  Hina Takanob 

aDepartment of Respiratory Medicine, Musashino Red Cross Hospital
bDepartment of Hematology and Oncology, Musashino Red Cross Hospital
* Present address: Department of Internal Medicine, Kudanzaka Hospital


A 41-year-old man had complained of the left submandibular lymphadenopathy and swelling of bilateral palpebrae. Chest CT scanning showed mediastinal lymphadenopathy and a posterior mediastinal tumor around thoracic vertebrae. Pathological findings of both percutaneous biopsy specimens of the left submandibular lymph node and the posterior mediastinal tumor revealed lymphoplasmacytic infiltration. Furthermore, many IgG4-positive plasma cells were demonstrated in the lesion of both biopsy specimens immunohistochemically. Serum IgG4 concentration of the patient was 3,660 mg/dl (reference range, <70 mg/dl). We diagnosed both the posterior mediastinal tumor and the left submandibular lymphadenopathy as a part of IgG4-related disease and treated the patient with corticosteroid, which diminished the posterior mediastinal tumor and the bilateral palpebral swelling. This is a case of biopsy-proven IgG4-related disease with a posterior mediastinal tumor.


Mediastinum  Lymph node  IgG4  Percutaneous biopsy  Corticosteroid 

Received 19 May 2011 / Accepted 7 Dec 2011

AJRS, 1(3): 201-206, 2012

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