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Article in Japanese

Original Article

A study of inspiratory resistance of dry powder inhaler for bronchodilator agents

Shigeaki Sudaa  Rio Konnoa  Hajime Kurosawab,c  Gen Tamurad 

aChest Institute of Technology, Chest M.I., Inc.
bCenter for Environmental Conservation and Research Safety, Tohoku University
cDepartment of Occupational Health, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine
dAirway Institute in Sendai, Co. Ltd.


Because dry powder inhalers (DPI) aerosolize agents by means of inspiration of the patients themselves, the inspiratory resistance of DPI is an important factor for increasing inhalation efficiency. Therefore we calculated the inspiratory resistance of DPI devices of bronchodilator agents for treating chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. In all DPI devices, inspiratory resistance increased with the increasing flow rate. Thus it is suggested that we should instruct patients to inhaler DPI based on inspiratory resistance of the DPI.


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease  Bronchodilator agents  Dry powder inhalers  Inspiratory resistance  Inhalation technique 

Received 29 Mar 2016 / Accepted 5 Jul 2016

AJRS, 5(6): 285-289, 2016

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