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Article in Japanese

Case Report

A case of pulmonary pleomorphic carcinoma associated with remitting seronegative symmetrical synovitis with pitting edema (RS3PE) syndrome

Tomoya Sagawaa  Ryuta Nakaob  Sayaka Udaa  Akihiro Yoshimuraa  Tatsuya Yubaa  Noriya Hiraokaa 

aDepartment of Respiratory Medicine, Japanese Red Cross Kyoto Daiichi Hospital
bDepartment of Pathology, Japanese Red Cross Kyoto Daiichi Hospital


This case involvd a male aged 69. He was referred to our department due to the determination of lymphadenopathy at the pulmonary hilum/mediastinal portion and supraclavicular fossa during an examination of RS3PE syndrome. A biopsy was conducted from the supraclavicular lymph node, but it was diagnosed as metastasis of a poorly differentiated epithelial tumor. The patient had respiratory discomfort, and Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia was found during the examination. He had a remission of the symptoms with a two-week treatment, but multiple brain metastases appeared that had not been recognized at the beginning. He passed away approximately 3 months after the initial visit, and the cause was diagnosed as pulmonary pleomorphic carcinoma in a pathological autopsy. This was a rare case because there have been no previous reports of pulmonary pleomorphic carcinoma with RS3PE syndrome.


Remitting seronegative symmetrical synovitis with pitting edema syndrome  Pleomorphic carcinoma  hCG-producing carcinoma 

Received 30 Aug 2016 / Accepted 23 May 2017

AJRS, 6(5): 332-336, 2017

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