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日本呼吸器学会英文誌 Respiratory Investigation
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日本呼吸器学会誌 増刊号 学術講演会プログラム 抄録集 全文PDF


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Article in Japanese

Case Report

A case of severe fulminant pneumonia caused by Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL) positive community-acquired methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MSSA)

Yoko Sato  Ryoko Hayashi  Yusuke Iwabuchi  Yosuke Shimaoka  Tsuyoshi Matsumoto 

Department of Respiratory Medicine, Tomishiro Central Hospital


We report a 55 year old male patient with severe pneumonia caused by Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL)-positive community-acquired methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MSSA). He complained of dyspnea and respiratory distress requiring immediate mechanical ventilation. Chest X-ray demonstrated left lung consolidation. Gram stain of the bloody sputum revealed pneumonia due to Staphylococcus spp. He died 8 hours after arrival at ER despite intensive care that included anti-methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) antibiotics. PVL-positive MSSA was identified in both sputum and blood culture.


Community-acquired methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus  Severe pneumonia  Panton-Valentine leukocidin 

Received 16 Oct 2017 / Accepted 13 Apr 2018

AJRS, 7(4): 250-254, 2018

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