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Original Article

Clinical features and prognosis of secondary pneumothorax in pulmonary emphysema, interstitial pneumonia, and combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema

Yuta Tsukaharaa  Hideaki Yamakawaa,b  Emiri Tsumiyamaa,b  Tomotaka Nishizawaa   Tomohiro Obaa  Rie Kawabea  Shintaro Satoa  Keiichi Akasakaa  Masako Amanoa  Hidekazu Matsushimaa 

aDepartment of Respiratory Medicine, Saitama Red Cross Hospital
bDepartment of Respiratory Medicine, The Jikei University Hospital


Secondary pneumothorax is caused by underlying chest diseases such as pulmonary emphysema and interstitial pneumonia. There has been little comparative study of these two diseases and combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema (CPFE) complicated by pneumothorax. We retrospectively investigated 48 hospitalized cases of secondary pneumothorax occurring in patients with these three etiologies. Significantly more interstitial pneumonia patients and CPFE patients were low BMI and receiving long-term oxygen therapy than did pulmonary emphysema patients, moreover, these two factors were significant poor prognostic factors. Compared with the pulmonary emphysema group, the median survival time for patients with interstitial pneumonia (non-CPFE) was only 6.2 months, while in comparison with the CPFE group, there was no significant difference. The fact that in patients with interstitial pneumonia (non-CPFE) a low BMI and receiving long-term oxygen therapy can constitute a high risk for pneumothorax and an unfavorable prognosis should be recognized.


Pneumothorax  Pulmonary emphysema  Interstitial pneumonia (IP)  Combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema (CPFE) 

Received 6 Aug 2019 / Accepted 23 Jan 2020

AJRS, 9(3): 160-165, 2020

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