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Article in Japanese

Case Report

A case of paratracheal air cyst that developed pneumomediastinum after bronchoscopy

Noriaki Itoa,b  Hideto Oshitaa  Misato Senooa  Kunihiko Funaishia  Yasuyuki Mitamaa  Ken Okusakia 

aDepartment of Internal Medicine, Mihara Medical Association Hospital
bDepartment of Respiratory Internal Medicine, Hiroshima University Hospital


An 83-year-old woman underwent bronchoscopy for the investigation of a lung nodule in her left lower lobe. During the night following the bronchoscopy, the patient became aware of swelling and pain in the neck due to a bout of coughing, and subsequent chest imaging revealed subcutaneous emphysema and pneumomediastinum. Pneumomediastinum is a rare complication of bronchoscopy, and it is necessary to carefully observe patients after the procedure. Further, this patient had a paratracheal air cyst before the bronchoscopy. There have been several reports on the relationship between the presence of a paratracheal air cyst and the development of pneumomediastinum. In the present case, the rupture of the paratracheal air cyst due to increased airway pressure during cough may have caused the pneumomediastinum.


Pneumomediastinum  Bronchoscopy  Paratracheal air cyst  Tracheal diverticulum 

Received 30 Nov 2019 / Accepted 19 Mar 2020

AJRS, 9(4): 281-284, 2020

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