Vol.37 No.3 contents Japanese/English

- Original Article -

A Clinicopathologic Study of Lung Cancer in Patients Under 40 Years of Age

Toshikazu Hirai, Osamu Kawashima, Mitsuhiro Kamiyoshihara, Keiichi Endoh, Yasuo Morishita* and Arafumi Maeshima**
Department of Surgery, National Sanatorium Nishigunma Hospital, Second Department of Surgery* and Second Department of Pathology**, Gunma University School of Medicine

Nineteen patients aged under 40 years with lung cancer were treated surgically in our hospital between 1981 and 1995. There were 5 male and 14 female patients. Only 5 patients (26%) had smoked. The lung cancer was detected via mass surveys in 15 patients and through symptoms in 3. The incidence of adenocarcinoma was high (79%), and there was no squamous cell carcinoma. According to the pathologic stage, 10 patients belonged to stage I, 5 belonged to stage IIIA, and 4 belonged to stage IIIB. An absolutely curative resection was performed in 10 patients, a relatively curative resection in 5, a relatively non-curative resection in 3, and an absolutely non-curative resection in 1. The overall 5-year survival rate was 52%. The 5-year survival rate of stage I patients was 100% and that of stage IIIA or IIIB patients was 0%. A significant difference was found in the 5-year survival rate between stage I patients and those of stage III. Histopathologically, poorly differentiated type, vascular invasion and high AgNOR counts were noted more frequently in stage III adenocarcinoma patients than those in stage I.
key words: Lung cancer in young patients, Surgical treatment, Prognosis, Prognostic factor

Received: February 14, 1997
Accepted: April 3, 1997

JJLC 37 (3): 357-363, 1997
