Vol.38 No.1 contents Japanese/English

- Case Report -

A Young Adult of Mediastinal Carcinoid Tumor

Minoru Fukuda, Mikio Oka, Kenji Terashi, Keiji Inoue*, Hiroshi Soda and Shigeru Kohno
Second Department of Internal Medicine, and Second Department of Surgery, Nagasaki University School of Medicine

A 29-year-old man was admitted complainting of hoarseness. Mediastinal widening was seen on his chest radiograph. Carcinoid was histologically diagnosed by biopsy of the left supraclaviculal lymph node, and the tumor involved the aorta and its branches. Drug sensitivity of the tumor cells against several anticancer drugs was examined, but they were resistant to all drugs. Three cycles of chemoradiotherapy (total 55 Gy) were performed, and the reduction rate of total tumor volume was only 29%. Chemoradiotherapy for advanced mediastinal carcinoid tumor needs further investigation.
key words: Thymic carcinoid, Carcinoid, Mediastinal tumor, Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy

Received: October 15, 1997
Accepted: December 22, 1997

JJLC 38 (1): 81-86, 1998
