Vol.38 No.2 contents Japanese/English

- Case Report -

Undifferentiated Sarcoma of the Lung, In which Histopathological Findings were the same as those of the Humeral Bone Tumor, Twenty Years after the Onset

Hiroyuki Saito, Akio Mizusawa, Tatsuo Ebe, Kenichi Togashi* and Hiroyuki Usuta**
Departments of Respiratory Medicine and Pulmonary Surgery*, Nagaoka Red Cross Hospital, and Second Department of Pathology**, Niigata University, School of Medicine

A 49-year-old man, who had first been given a diagnosis of malignant fibrous xanthoma of the right humerus 20 years previously and undergone disarticulation of the right shoulder, was admitted to our hospital because of bloody sputum. Chest X-ray and computed tomogram scan films showed a mass lesion in the right S9, demonstrating spiculation and pleural indentation, suggesting a malignant tumor. Partial lung resection of the right S9 and S10 was carried out in September, 1994. Histopathological examination revealed massive proliferation of atypical spindle cells with foci of vague storiform pattern, identical to those of the right humerus. All immunohistochemical stainings of both bone and lung tumors were negative. These results suggested that the histopathological diagnosis of these tumors was undifferentiated sarcoma, the histopathological findings of which were the same as those of malignant fibrous histiocytoma.
key words: Undifferentiated sarcoma, Malignant fibrous histiocytoma, Metastatic lung tumor, Surgical treatment, Long term prognosis

Received: June 4, 1997
Accepted: January 29, 1998

JJLC 38 (2): 139-144, 1998
