Vol.38 No.3 contents Japanese/English

- Original Article -

Treatment Results of Non-small Cell Lung Cancer in Octogenerians

Tadashi Uehara, Tokujiro Yano, Hideki Yokoyama, Yasuro Fukuyama, Hiroshi Asoh, Takanori Kanematsu, Yasuhiro Terazaki, Shinji Kuninaka and Yukito Ichinose
Department of Chest Surgery, National Kyushu Cancer Center

Objective: In order to establish the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer in octogenarians, we retrospectively reviewed our experiences. Patients: The present study included 109 patients with a mean age of 82 ranging from 80 to 94, who were treated at our institute from 1972 through 1996. There were 74 men and 35 women. Sixty-one patients had adenocarcinoma, 35 had squamous cell carcinoma and 13 had other histological types. Thirty patients had clinical stage I disease, 13 had stage II, 22 had stage IIIA, 12 had stage IIIB and 32 had stage IV. Results: In clinical stage I, 18 patients (58.1%) underwent an operation with a 5 year-survival rate of 48.6%, including two operation-related deaths. On the other hand, no patients survied 5 years after either radiation treatment (6 patients) or other treatment (6 patients). In clinical stage III, only 3 patients underwent surgical resection. Twenty patients received radiotherapy with (2 patients) or without (18 patients) chemotherapy. There were 5 treatment-related deaths (25%). Concerning other patients, 3 received chemotherapy, 2 received pleural drainage, and 6 had no other treatment. There was no significant difference in survival between the radiotherapy group and the other treatment group (MST8M: 20M, p=0.36). In clinical stage IV , there was no significant difference in survival between the treatment group (systemic chemotherapy, radiotherapy, etc.; n=19) and the non-treatment group (n=13). Conclusion: In clinical stage I, surgical resection is considered to be treatment of choice while the best supportive care is so in the advanced stages.
key words: Octogenerians, Non-small cell lung cancer, Operation, Radiotherapy, Best supportive care

Received: March 18, 1998
Accepted: May 26, 1998

JJLC 38 (3): 215-221, 1998
