Vol.38 No.4 contents Japanese/English

- Case Report -

A Case of Left Completion Pneumonectomy for Recurrent Lung Cancer and Left Main Bronchial Stenosis Due to Postoperative Pulmonary Torsion

Yoshinobu Hattori, Kouji Negi, Yasunori Kobayashi, Tooru Yamamoto and Shuichiro Sugimura
Department of Thoracic Surgery, Fujita Health University School of Medicine

A 68-year-old woman underwent left upper lobectomy on September 25, 1990 because of primary left upper lobe lung cancer. The resected specimen demonstrated well differentiated adenocarcinoma and pathological stage I (pT1N0M0). Adjuvant chemotherapy (VP-16, CDDP) performed. Dyspnea appeared around July 1991. Chest CT and bronchofiberscopy revealed stenosis the left main bronchus but no tumor recurrence. A chest X-ray film on February 22, 1994 showed an abnormal shadow in the left upper lung field. Chest CT demonstrated a tumor in the left S6 and the result of CT-guided needle biopsy suggested metastasis. She had no distant metastasis. Left completion pneumonectomy was performed on April 26, 1994. Clockwise torsion of the left main bronchus around the longitudinal axis at an angle of 90° was found. Histological study demonstrated two recurrent lung cancers. Postoperatively, she had no dyspnea and her performance status was Hugh-Jones grade 2. She died of systemic metastasis 3 years and 7 months after the left completion pneumonectomy.
key words: Lung cancer, Pulmonary torsion, Recurrent lung cancer, Completion pneumonectomy

Received: May 27, 1998
Accepted: July 13, 1998

JJLC 38 (4): 341-345, 1998
