Vol.38 No.6 contents Japanese/English

- Case Report -

An Operated Case of Lung Sarcoma with Polypoid Endobronchial Growth Causing Atelectasis of the Entire Left Lung

Masaharu Inagaki, Hiroo Okazaki, Naoya Funakoshi, Kazuhiko Takabe*, Yoko Shinohara* and Keiko Suzuki**
Department of Thoracic Surgery, *Department of Internal Medicine, **Department of Pathology, Tsuchiura Kyodo General Hospital

A 66-year-old man presented with a cough that had continued for 8 months. He was given medication for bronchitis, because there was no abnormality on chest X-ray film and his sputum cytology was normal. However, since the symptom did not improve, chest CT scan was performed, revealing a tumor shadow in the central portion of the left B6, obstructing the left upper lobe, lower lobe and main bronchi, Fiberoptic bronchoscopic findings showed a polypoid tumor which almost completely obstructed the left main bronchus. Biopsy suspected sarcoma. Because of atelectasis of the entire left lung, YAG laser therapy was employed, but it failed to open the left main bronchus. Therefore left pneumonectomy and mediastinal node dissection were performed. The pathological diagnosis was sarcoma of the lung, consisting of spindle cells without a carcinoma component. The patient is alive without recurrence one year and two months after the operation.
key words: Lung sarcoma, Bronchial polyp, Atelectasis, Bronchitis

Received: April 14, 1998
Accepted: September 4, 1998

JJLC 38 (6): 739-744, 1998
