Vol.38 No.7 contents Japanese/English

- Case Report -

A Case of Primary Tracheal Carcinoma Possibly Related to Human Papillomavirus

Yoshinobu Hattori, Yoshikazu Mizoguchi*, Kouji Negi, Ryou Hoshino, Tooru Yamamoto and Shuichiro Sugimura
Department of Thoracic Surgery, Fujita Health University School of Medicine., *First Department of Pathology, Fujita Health University School of Medicine.

Primary tracheal carcinoma is rare. A 58-year-old man had hemoptysis in early March, 1997 and was treated for a polypoid vocal cord by an otorhinolaryngologist. When he was admitted to another hospital on Aug. 23 because of a traffic accident, he expectorated bloody sputum, a cytological examination of which revealed class III cells. He was referred to our hospital for more examinations on Sep. 6. Bronchoscopy demonstrated a polypoid tumor in the trachea and a biopsy revealed squamous cell carcinoma. There was no metastasis. Tracheal resection from the 4th to 8th tracheal ring and end-to-end anastomosis was performed on Oct. 21. Pathological examination demonstrated a moderately differentiated squamous cell carcinoma in situ and immunohistochemical examination and in situ hybridization showed positive stainings. A relationship with human papillomavirus was strongly suspected. The postoperative course was uneventful.
key words: Primary tracheal carcinoma, Carcinoma in situ, Human papillomavirus, Immunohistochemical examination, Hybridization

Received: August 3, 1998
Accepted: September 28, 1998

JJLC 38 (7): 885-889, 1998
