Vol.39 No.3 contents Japanese/English

- Case Report -

A Case of Biphasic Pulmonary Blastoma with Embryonal Carcinoma-Like Features

Hirotoshi Kubokura, Kazunori Nishida*, Hitoshi Nishimura, Mitsunobu Yamamoto, Toshiyuki Izumo*, Eijyu Tsuchiya*
Department of Thoracic Surgery and *Department of Pathology, Saitama Cancer Center

The patient was a 45-year-old woman with a 2 cm-sized abnormal shadow on the chest x-ray. The nature of the tumor, benign or malignant, could not be defined by CT scan or bronchoscopy. Exploratory thoracotomy was performed, and enucleation of the tumor was tried, because it was considered to be benign from examination by palpation. However, as the diagnosis on the frozen section was adenocarcinoma, a left lower lobectomy was performed. The final pathological diagnosis was "biphasic pulmonary blastoma." The clinicopathological characteristics of this case were: no clinical symptoms, a small tumor and, histologically, embryonal carcinoma-like features.
key words: Pulmonary blastoma, Biphasic type, Embryonal carcinoma

Received: November 18, 1998
Accepted: April 1, 1999

JJLC 39 (3): 339-344, 1999
