Vol.42 No.4 contents Japanese/English

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Article in Japanese

- Case Report -

A Case of Slow-Growing Small Adenocarcinoma Followed up for Four Years by CT

Fuyuhiko Yasuda1, Motoshi Takao2, Syuichi Murashima3, Isao Yada2, Hiroshi Yuasa1
1Department of Thoracic Surgery, Nagai Hospital, Japan, and Department of 2Thoracic Surgery and 3Radiology, Mie University School of Medicine, Japan

Background. Peripheral lung adenocarcinoma has been increasing dramatically throughout the post decade. Recently, it was reported that active fibroblastic proliferation in a tumor plays an important role in tumor progression. However, there have been few reports of CT follow-up of peripheral lung adenocarcinoma for several years. Case. the patient was a 67-year-old woman. Follow-up of computed tomography was performed every year and the tumor doubling time was 920 days in our case. After four years, CT-guided needle-biopsy resulted in well-differentiated adenocarcinoma. Operation was performed and the pathological finding was localized bronchioloalveolar cell type adenocarcinoma (Noguchi's type B). Conclusion. We reported a case of a slow-growing lung adenocarcinoma the size of which remained under 20 mm for four years.
key words: Small peripheral lung cancer, Adenocarcinoma, Computed tomography, Slow-growing type

Received: December 12, 2001
Accepted: April 15, 2002

JJLC 42 (4): 273-276, 2002
