Vol.48 No.6 contents Japanese/English

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Article in Japanese

- The 22nd Lung Cancer Workshop -

Imaging Evaluation of Drug-induced Lung Injury by Anticancer Drugs

Fumikazu Sakai1, Mizue Hasegawa1
1Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Saitama International Medical Center, Saitama Medical University, Japan

There are no reliable and safe laboratory tests to establish the diagnosis of drug-induced lung injury, and the imaging findings of drug-induced lung injury are nonspecific. It is mandatory to integrate clinical, laboratory, and imaging findings for a correct diagnosis of drug-induced lung injury. The reliablity of the diagnosis remains relatively low and clinical level. A diffuse alveolar damage pattern on images indicates an unfavourable prognosis. Preexisting destructive lung diseases such as chronic interstitial pneumonia is one of the predisposing factors of mortality and the morbidity of drug-induced lung injury. The roles of imaging in the management of patients with drug-induced lung injury include the detection of preexisting interstitial pneumonia, estimation of severity, and prognosis of drug-induced lung injury, aid in differential diagnosis, determination of methods of follow-up and ways of detecting complications.
key words: Drug-induced lung injury, Anticancer drugs, Imaging pattern, Diffuse alveolar damage

JJLC 48 (6): 721-726, 2008
