Vol.49 No.1 contents Japanese/English

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Article in Japanese

- The 23rd Lung Cancer Mass Screening Seminar -

How to Build a Lung Cancer Medical Examination System from a Radiological Technologist's Points of View

Yukihiro Tsuda1
1Department of Radiology, Kanagawa Health Service Association, Japan

Computerization could bring great changes in the medical industry. It isn't also possible to run away from a lung cancer medical examination system from the wave, and digital preservation of photography equipment and a picture is mentioned like a radiographer. These are considered as the one which improves the medical examination efficiency, but risk also exists at the same time. But an exchange with each field more concerned with a digital image and data than the efficiency will be that medical examination improves its own efficiency. But new cooperation is needed increase of number of interpretation of radiograms, lack of interpretation of radiogram person and a problem of precision management and risk management as an engineer. A chest CT screener system is considered as the example.
key words: Lung cancer medical examination system, Digital preservation, Cooperation, Risk management, Chest CT screener

JJLC 49 (1): 101-103, 2009
