Vol.50 No.2 contents Japanese/English

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Article in Japanese

- The 24th Lung Cancer Mass Screening Seminar -

Promoting Quality Assurance of Lung Cancer Screening in Osaka Prefecture

Tomio Nakayama1, Takaichiro Suzuki1, Youko Kusunoki2
1Department of Cancer Control and Statistics, Osaka Medical Center for Cancer and Cardiovascular Diseases, Japan, 2Osaka Prefectural Medical Center for Respiratory and Allergic Diseases, Japan

Objective. It is necessary to establish a system to evaluate the quality of lung cancer screening in prefecture, because there is a large variation in quality in each municipalities and facilities. Method. The Osaka Prefectural Committee for Management of the Lung Cancer Screening System has published the referral rate standings, the detailed consultation rate and the detection rate of lung cancer by municipality and speculating as to why accuracy was low, in the annual reports since 2005. Results. A chart, compared with a table of conventional analysis, was easier for the prefectural clerical officers to understand the analysis. Osaka Prefecture has posted annual data from each municipality using a chart on its website since 2006. Conclusion. Displaying quality assurance data on the website was useful for analysis by the prefectural officers, but merely expecting voluntary improvement in the municipalities is insufficient. Based on the present analysis, the prefectural committee must suggest a concrete remedial plan.
key words: Lung cancer screening, Quality assurance, The Prefectural Committee for Management of the Cancer Screening System

JJLC 50 (2): 201-205, 2010
