Vol.51 No.1 contents Japanese/English

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Article in Japanese

- Case Report -

A Case of Perforation in the Small Intestine Due to Metastasis from Lung Adenocarcinoma with a Rhabdoid Phenotype

Naohiro Kobayashi1, Masatoshi Yamaoka1, Yukinobu Goto1, Yukio Sato1, Yuko Minami2, Masayuki Noguchi2
1Department of Thoracic Surgery, 2Department of Pathology, Tsukuba University Hospital, Japan

Background. Metastasis to the small intestine from lung cancer is uncommon, reportedly occurring in 2.8% to 5.7% of all lung cancer cases. Large cell carcinoma, or undifferentiated carcinoma, is the most common histological type of metastasis to the small intestine. Rhabdoid tumor was classified as a variant of large cell carcinoma in the 1999 World Health Organization classification of lung and pleural tumors, and its prognosis is poor. Some cases of metastasis from rhabdoid tumors of the lung to the small intestine have been reported. Here, we report a case of metastasis to the small intestine from adenocarcinoma of the lung, with rhabdoid phenotype. Case. A 64-year-old woman was referred to our hospital for further investigation of an abnormal shadow detected on a chest X-ray film, during follow-up for idiopathic interstitial pneumonia. After obtaining transbronchial class IV cytology results, the suspected clinical diagnosis was lung adenocarcinoma. We performed a left lower lobectomy and the pathological diagnosis was adenocarcinoma with a rhabdoid phenotype. At the 5th month after the resection, a perforation of the small intestine developed, and an emergency resection was performed. The pathological diagnosis was metastasis from rhabdoid phenotype of lung cancer. The patient underwent chemotherapy, but died of sepsis due to perforation of another portion of the small intestine in which metastasis from her lung cancer had also developed. Conclusion. In lung cancer with rhabdoid phenotype, careful observation is necessary because of the possibility of metastasis to the small intestine.
key words: Lung cancer, Metastasis to the small intestine, Rhabdoid phenotype

Received: July 20, 2010
Accepted: December 20, 2010

JJLC 51 (1): 34-39, 2011
