Vol.51 No.2 contents Japanese/English

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Article in Japanese

- The 24th Lung Cancer Workshop -

Explanation of Medicine to Cancer Patients and Their Families

Yoshiaki Okamoto1
1Department of Hospital Pharmacy Education, Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Science, Osaka University, Japan

Explanations regarding medication to cancer patients and their families are an important part of the role of the pharmacist in palliative care. The role of the hospital pharmacist changed around the end of the 20th century, due to the adoption of clinical pharmacy. Discussion with patients regarding medication has been becoming increasingly common for about 20 years. The explanation of medicine in palliative care has its own feature, as do each those of medical department. The definition of "An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage." The International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) is frequently cited, and it means that pain is subjective. It is important for pharmacists to allay patients' anxiety and avoid misunderstandings regarding cancer pain management with opioids. Furthermore, we need to explain the correct way to take opioids, as well as describe their primary and adverse effects. We should also confirm that these instructions are correctly understood, to ensure that patients and their family members can use the medication correctly. We describe the education of patients, the aim of which is to allay patients' anxiety and resolve misunderstandings regarding opioids, and also to encourage patients to be proactively involved in their cancer pain management.
key words: Palliative care, Medication, Explanation, Opioid, Cancer

JJLC 51 (2): 135-138, 2011
