Vol.51 No.3 contents Japanese/English

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Usefulness of Virtual Images of the Visceral Pleura in Identifying the Localization of Peripheral Small Pulmonary Nodules Intraoperatively

Takatoyo Kambayashi1
1Department of Surgery, Kyoto Min-iren Chuo Hospital, Japan

Study Objective. To assess the usefulness of virtual images of the visceral pleura in identifying the localization of peripheral small pulmonary nodules intraoperatively. Study Design. We examined 12 cases with 12 peripheral small pulmonary nodules between 2008 and 2010. All lesions were predicted to be difficult to identify during surgery, and virtual images of the visceral pleura were made and evaluated before surgery. We predicted the usefulness of virtual images of the visceral pleura in identifying the localization of peripheral small pulmonary nodules. Results. The mean maximum dimensions were 10.5±4.36 mm. The mean depth from the visceral pleura was 4.0±4.67 mm. The lesions were the solid type in 6 cases and the ground-glass opacity type in 6 cases. In 7 cases primary lung cancer was present, while the other 5 cases had only benign lesions. In all cases, changes in the visceral pleura could be identified with virtual images of the visceral pleura before surgery. We identified 7 lesions out of 12 intraoperatively. The reasons for the failure to identify the lesions were an inability to adequately observe the visceral pleura because of pleural adhesion, or failure to perform single lung ventilation in 3 cases. Another reason was that the changes in the visceral pleura were too minor to identify intraoperatively (2 cases). Conclusion. Virtual images of the visceral pleura may be useful for identifying the localization of peripheral small pulmonary nodules, and the prediction of whether or not the identification of lesions is possible intraoperatively, without preoperative marking in order to identify peripheral pulmonary nodules.
key words: Multidetector-row computed tomography, Three-dimensional image processing, Peripheral small pulmonary nodule, Virtual images of the visceral pleura, Preoperative marking for pulmonary nodule

Received: November 13, 2010
Accepted: March 25, 2011

JJLC 51 (3): 177-181, 2011
