Vol.52 No.1 contents Japanese/English

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Article in Japanese

- The 25th Lung Cancer Workshop -

Classification and Prognosis of Pleural Invasion

Koji Tsuta1
1Pathology Division, National Cancer Center Hospital, Japan

Objective. To exposit the significance of the anatomic extent of visceral pleural invasion (VPI) in lung cancer. Study Design. We reviewed referenced the data in the articles which reported survival data based on elastic stains to assess VPI and 7th edition of the tumor, node, metastasis (TNM) classification of the International Union Against Cancer and American Joint Committee on Cancer. Results. To define p0 as lack of pleural invasion beyond the elastic layer, p1 as invasion beyond the elastic layer, p2 as invasion to the surface of the visceral pleura and p3 as invasion of the parietal pleura. Most studies, survival was shown to be significantly worse for VPI defined as p1 or p2 compared with p0. Conclusions. Based on the 7th TNM classification, define VPI as invasion beyond the elastic layer (PL1 or PL2).
key words: Lung carcinoma, Pleural invasion, Prognosis

JJLC 52 (1): 85-89, 2012
