Vol.52 No.2 contents Japanese/English

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Article in Japanese

- Review Article -

Evidence for Limited Surgical Resection for Lung Cancer

Kenji Suzuki1
1Department of General Thoracic Surgery, Juntendo University, Japan

The report by Shimosato et al., brought attention to the concept of "scar cancer". The central scar formation of peripheral adenocarcinoma of the lung had been considered to be present prior to cancer. However he reported the scar is formed after the carcinogenesis of lung cancer. He insisted that the scar is a significant prognostic factor for lung cancer. Noguchi, one of the disciples of Dr. Shimosato, reported a historical classification for small sized lung adenocarcinoma in 1995. In the same year, historical reports on limited surgical resection for small sized lung cancer were reported by Ginsberg et al. This study is the only phase III trial comparing limited surgery with pulmonary lobectomy for lung cancer, resulting in showing the superiority of lobectomy to limited surgery. Based on Noguchi's classification, research on limited surgery was divided into two streams: wide wedge resection for early lung cancer and segmentectomy for small lung cancers including invasive cancer. Clinical trials on limited surgery are now ongoing in the US and Japan. Two kinds of trials are conducted in Japan, while one trial is being performed in the US. Japanese trials consist of a phase II trial for early lung cancer using wedge resection, and a phase III trial for invasive lung cancer using mainly segmentectomy. Those factors should be taken into consideration for the interpretation of the trials.
key words: Segmentectomy, Prognosis, Metastasis, Adenocarcinoma

JJLC 52 (2): 182-189, 2012
