Vol.52 No.2 contents Japanese/English

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Article in Japanese

- Review Article -

Points to Make Segmentectomy a Radical Surgery as Lobectomy for cT1aN0M0 Non-small Cell Lung Cancer

Hiroaki Nomori1, Hirohisa Horinouchi1, Yotaro Izumi1, Mitsutomo Kohno1, Takashi Ohtsuka1, Masaki Anraku1, Keisuke Asakura1, Kohei Hashimoto1, Takashi Nakayama1, Masayuki Okui1
1Division of General Thoracic Surgery, Department of Surgery, School of Medicine, Keio University, Japan

It is easy to propose that in order to perform a segmentectomy as a radical operation and equivalent treatment option to lobectomy for cT1aN0M0 non-small cell lung cancer, sufficient surgical margin and hilar regional lymph node dissection are the essential requirements. However, these 2 points are not easy. Here, we introduce our techniques. To take a sufficient surgical margin, we usually use a ring-shaped forceps to grasp the tumor, and resect the lung more than 1 cm away from the forceps. To dissect the hilar regional lymph nodes, we encircle the hilar vessels and bronchus with tape and make a sufficient field. We will introduce these points by demonstrating cases.
key words: Lung cancer, Segmentectomy, Surgical margin, Lymph node dissection, Local recurrence

JJLC 52 (2): 190-195, 2012
