Vol.55 No.4 contents Japanese/English

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Article in Japanese

- Case Report -

A Case of Spindle Cell Carcinoma That Developed 13 Years After Postoperative Radiotherapy for T3 Lung Cancer

Emiko Tomita1, Hyung-Eun Yoon1, Tomoki Utsumi1, Hiroshi Matsui1, Misa Noguchi1, Akihide Matsumura1
1Department of General Thoracic Surgery, National Hospital Organization Kinki-Chuo Chest Medical Center, Japan

Background. The incidence of radiation-associated cancer has increased with an improved survival after radiotherapy. We herein report a case of spindle cell carcinoma associated with postoperative radiotherapy for T3 lung cancer. Case. A 51-year-old man had undergone left upper lobectomy with partial parietal pleurectomy and postoperative radiotherapy to the chest wall for poorly-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma of the lung (pT3N0M0, stage IIB). No recurrence had been observed for 5 years. Thirteen years later, a mass appeared in the irradiated field and grew rapidly. Because the tumor was located mainly within the chest wall, we thought that the chest wall tumor was invading the lung. Radiation-associated sarcoma was suspected, and the chest wall resected with a partial resection of the left lower lobe. However, a histopathological analysis indicated spindle cell carcinoma. Local recurrence and multiple metastases were detected 6 months after the operation. Although chemotherapy was performed, the patient died 12 months after the operation. Conclusion. We reported a case of spindle cell carcinoma that developed 13 years after postoperative radiotherapy for T3 lung cancer.
key words: Radiation-associated cancer, Spindle cell carcinoma, Postoperative radiotherapy for T3 lung cancer

Received: February 9, 2015
Accepted: June 13, 2015

JJLC 55 (4): 218-222, 2015
