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Article in Japanese

- Case Report -

A Case of Pleomorphic Carcinoma and Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma Occurring as Synchronous Multiple Primary Lung Cancers

Masataka Mori1, Masaaki Inoue1, Yohei Honda1, Soichi Oka1, Junichi Yoshida1
1Department of Chest Surgery, Shimonoseki City Hospital, Japan

Background. Pleomorphic carcinoma (PMC) and mucoepidermoid carcinoma (MEC) of the lung are rare histological types of tumor. We herein describe a case of PMC and MEC occurring as synchronous multiple primary lung cancers. Case. A 74-year-old man was referred to our department because of a double mass in the left lower lobe. The examination of a transbronchial lung biopsy specimen confirmed the presence of non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC). Both lesions were localized in the left lower lobe, and we performed thoracoscopic left lower lobectomy with lymph node dissection (2a-1). The pathological diagnoses were PMC (S6, pT3N0M0, Stage IIB) and MEC (S9, pT4N0M0, Stage IIIA). The postoperative course was uneventful. He left our hospital 2 weeks after surgery. Conclusion. We described a rare case of simultaneous PMC and MEC. This shows that multiple lung nodules can be synchronous multiple primary lung cancers as well as primary lung cancer and pulmonary metastases.
key words: Lung cancer, Pleomorphic carcinoma, Mucoepidermoid carcinoma, Synchronous multiple primary lung cancers

Received: August 6, 2018
Accepted: November 14, 2018

JJLC 59 (1): 66-70, 2019
