
The Journal of the Japanese Society for Clinical Microbiology

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[Vol.22 No.1 contents]
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Article in Japanese

ArticleTitle Lactococcus garvieae, a Causative Agent in Human Diseases
Language J
AuthorList Akira Okamoto, Yoshichika Arakawa
Affiliation Molecular Bacteriology, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine
Publication J.J.C.M.: 22 (1), 1-12, 2012
Received January 16, 2012
Abstract Lactococcus garvieae is known to be a causative agent of bovine mastitis, and streptococcosis in farmed fish. Although L. garvieae is rarely isolated in blood culture as a causative agent of systemic infection, such as endocarditis, it is considered to be of low virulence in humans, because it is often isolated from feces from healthy individuals. However, it seems difficult to differentiate this pathogen from other pathogenic cocci such as Enterococcus spp. or Streptococcus spp., due to the resemblance of their microscopic and phenotypic characteristics. Although it might be diagnosed with PCR-based molecular techniques in a limited number of core laboratories, it is possibly misdiagnosed as an unknown strain that belongs to the genera Enterococcus or Streptococcus. Several case reports have suggested that the risk factors for L. garvieae are: (i) close contact with raw seafood, including eating raw fish or working on a fish farm; or (ii) a medical history of circulatory or gastrointestinal symptoms. More attention should be paid to L. garvieae infection in Japan, where there is a well-established culture for eating raw seafood, and the section of the population that possesses risk factors has increased with the aging society.
Keywords Lactococcus garvieae
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