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Vol.32 No.5 contents

Inactivation of Airborne Influenza Virus Using Low Concentration of Chlorine Dioxide: About the Relative Humidity-dependency
Hidekazu NISHIMURA, Hiroyuki HAYASHI, Shigeru URA and Soichiro SAKATA
32 (5): 243-249, 2017
[Abstract] [full text PDF (492K)]

Impact of Trough Concentration for Vancomycin Therapy with Initial Dosage
Ayako SUZUKI, Hironori TANAKA, Mikako NAMIKI, Hirokazu IKEDA, Mari KOGO and Tadanori SASAKI
32 (5): 250-257, 2017
[Abstract] [full text PDF (625K)]

A Survey of Hygiene Management of Inhalant Liquid in a Ward
Masayuki OKADA, Hiroo NAKAGAWA, Yukiko NAGATA, Hirokazu KAWASAKI, Ryuji MORISHITA, Hitoshi SASAKI and Takashi KITAHARA
32 (5): 258-262, 2017
[Abstract] [full text PDF (354K)]

Evaluation of Combination Effect of an Alcohol-based Hand Rub: Introducing Portable Bottles and Providing the Feedback
32 (5): 263-267, 2017
[Abstract] [full text PDF (311K)]

Verification of Hand Hygiene Improvement Program for Nursing Administrators: Alcohol Based Hand Rub Usage and Detection Number of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
Kazue SHIMAMORI, Keiko KONDOU, Naoto ONODERA, Etsuko SATO, Akira SUWABE and Shigeru SAKURAI
32 (5): 268-274, 2017
[Abstract] [full text PDF (361K)]

The Present Situation of the Management of Skin or Mucosal Exposure to Body Substances at Hospitals in Northeastern Japan
Tomoko SATO and Teiko MURAI
32 (5): 275-281, 2017
[Abstract] [full text PDF (350K)]

Support for Infection Control in Evacuation Centers Following 2016 Kumamoto Earthquakes by Kagoshima Prefecture Medical Association Team
Hideki KAWAMURA, Koichi TOKUDA, Masayuki KAWAKAMI, Toshiaki ARIMURA, Tatsuya KAWAGUCHI, Tamano MATSUI and Junichiro NISHI
32 (5): 282-290, 2017
[Abstract] [full text PDF (821K)]

Annual Report of JHAIS SSI Surveillance (No. 18)
Akihiro SAWA, Keita MORIKANE, Yasushi HARIHARA and Junzo SHIMIZU
32 (5): 291-301, 2017
[Abstract] [full text PDF (428K)]

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