Reduced Underestimation of Surgical Site Infection on Surveillance by Both Doctors and Certified Nurses in Infection Control
Masaru KOMINO1), Kazuhiko YOSHIMATSU2) and Kazuyuki NISHIMURA1) 1)Division of Infection Control and Prevention, Social Welfare Organization Saiseikai Imperial Foundation inc. Saiseikai Kurihashi Hospital, 2)Department of Surgery, Division of Infection Control and Prevention, Social Welfare Organization Saiseikai Imperial Foundation inc. Saiseikai Kurihashi Hospital
In surgical site infection (SSI), surveillance/direct observation by certified nurse in infection control (CNIC) has been more important than that by surgeon or ward staff alone because of the correct estimation of the incident rate of SSI. Only 42.1% of hospitals in Japan have performed SSI surveillance by CNIC, suggesting the possibility of underestimation of the incident rate of SSI. When we retrospectively re-evaluated the cases of SSI surveillance by CNIC in 2016, the 2.6% (13/498 cases) of incident rate of SSI assessed by surgeon alone increased to 8.8% (44/498 cases), with a statistically significant difference (p<0.001). In 2017, the incident rate of SSI was 9.8% (13/133 cases) and 15.8% (21/133 cases) determined by surgeon alone and surgeon with CNIC, respectively, and there was no statistically significant difference between these rates (p = 0.099). In conclusion, direct observation of SSI by CNIC may reduce the underestimation of the incident rate of SSI and contribute to the correct assessment of SSI by surgeon.
Key words:surgical site infection, direct surveillance, underestimation, certified nurse in infection control, quality control
Received: March 11, 2019 Accepted: June 17, 2019
34 (5):246─253,2019