Survival Strategies of Antibiotic-resistant Gram-negative Organisms and the Development of Future Treatment Option for Infectious Diseases
Yoshikazu ISHII Department of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Toho University School of Medicine
Whenever a new antibacterial drug is applied clinically, resistant bacteria emerge. However, the strain carrying the resistance factor has disadvantages with regard to survival, such as slower growth speed, compared with the susceptible strain. Therefore, resistant bacteria are thought to survive only in special environments, such as medical facilities. However, in recent years, resistant bacteria that cause community infections have emerged, overcoming these adverse situations. In this manuscript, I outline what kind of strategies the resistant Gram-negative organisms spread in the community. In addition, I will discuss the current status and future prospects of the development of treatment option for infectious disease with personal views.
Key words:antibiotics, antimicrobial-resistant organism, Gram-negative bacteria, survival
Received: August 1, 2019 Accepted: September 18, 2019
34 (6):282─286,2019