Actual Conditions of COVID-19 Infection Control in Nursing Homes
Di WANG 順天堂大学大学院医療看護学研究科
This study aimed to clarify the actual conditions of COVID-19 infection control in Japan's nursing homes (NH). An anonymous self-administered questionnaire survey was conducted among 500 facility managers from 500 randomly selected NH. Of the 66 returned questionnaires, 64 had valid responses (12.8%). Medical qualifications were not observed in 56.3% of the respondents. Additionally, the responses "There is a manual available to detect and manage a resident with suspected COVID-19," "Training on COVID-19 measures for staff," and "Staff training participation rate" accounted for 81.3%, 67.2%, and 67.1%, respectively. However, 64.1% answered "There is a countermeasure for staff who cannot participate in infectious disease control training." "Infection control specialists" were few, and the "Infection control status" varied between facilities. Establishing a system that facilitates access to support from infection control specialists and training infection control personnel in NH is necessary.
Key words:Nursing Homes, COVID-19 Infection Control
Received: April 8, 2022 Accepted: June 13, 2022
37 (5):204─209,2022