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Article in Japanese

An Outbreak of Clostridioides difficile Infection Caused by PCR-ribotype 027 in a Japanese Hospital

Natsumi YOSHIMORI1), Yuko FUJIMOTO1), Kiyotaka IMAI2), Yui ICHIMAN2), Kaori HASEGAWA3), Yoshiaki GU4)5), Mitsutoshi SENOH6) and Haru KATO6)7)
1)Department of Infection Control, Toyooka Public Hospital , 2)Department of Pharmacy, Toyooka Public Hospital, 3)Department of Laboratory, Toyooka Public Hospital, 4)Department of Infectious Diseases, Tokyo Medical and Dental University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, 5)AMR Clinical Reference Center, National Center for Global Health and Medicine Hospital, 6)Department of Bacteriology II, National Institute of Infectious Diseases, 7)Antimicrobial Resistance Research Center, National Institute of Infectious Diseases

The prevalence of Clostridioides difficile PCR-ribotype 027 (RT027) is low in Japan. We report an outbreak caused by RT027 that took place in a regional core hospital in Japan. From February to June in 2019, there were 18 new patients with C. difficile infection (CDI) in ward A. The peak of the outbreak was in March when the CDI incidence was 69.9/10,000 patient-days. Of the 18 CDI patients in ward A, specimens from 12 episodes on 11 patients were available for the analysis, and all 12 isolates were identified as RT027. Since RT027 was not recovered from any CDI patients from other wards, it was suggested that the outbreak was confined to the single ward. By thoroughly implementing basic infection control, the incidence of CDI in ward A decreased, and RT027 has not been recovered since July 2019. All 12 RT027 isolates were susceptible to moxifloxacin and gatifloxacin, suggesting that RT027 strain responsible for the outbreak represents the pre-epidemic RT027 genetic background from which the epidemic RT027 lineages emerged. Further studies are needed to clarify the epidemiology and clinical significance of RT027 C. difficile in Japan.

Key words:Clostridioides difficile, outbreak, PCR-ribotype 027 (RT027)


Received: July 15, 2022
Accepted: December 15, 2022

38 (3):90─98,2023

Copyright © 2003 Japanese Society for Infection Prevention and Control All rights reserved.