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Article in Japanese

Efficacy of Regular Quarterly Environmental Inspection for Legionella bacteria in Hospital Water System

Kana FUSHIMI1), Ken TSUCHIYA1)2), Atsuko SAITO1), Kazuma SARATANI1)3), Seiji HARADA1)3), Hiroki ASHIZAWA1)4) and Masafumi MASUDA1)4)
1)Infection Control Committee, Shizuoka City Shimizu Hospital, 2)Department of Clinical Laboratory, Shizuoka City Shimizu Hospital, 3)Department of Pharmacy, Shizuoka City Shimizu Hospital, 4)Department of Respiratory Medicine, Shizuoka City Shimizu Hospital

Our hospital has performed a regular environmental inspection for Legionella bacteria at 123 sites in our feed-water system since 1997. Based on data collected since 2008, Legionella bacteria have been detected at 47 sites, such as bathrooms, lavatories, common shower units for patients, and dental units. The same type of Legionella bacteria has been detected repeatedly at 24 sites. These findings suggest that these bacteria took root in the feed-water system, which served as a favorable environment for growth and proliferation of the bacteria. It was difficult to implement effective environmental measures against Legionella bacteria for many years. However, we were able to take early and appropriate actions at individual sites by understanding daily proliferation of the bacteria and identifying the causes of growth based on the repeated environmental inspections. This suggests that it is important to perform monitoring on a periodic basis to maintain the effectiveness of any implemented measures. To date, there have been no cases of hospital-acquired legionellosis in our hospital. The quarterly regular environmental inspection costs 224,844 yen per year, but this regular inspection for Legionella bacteria is effective in preventing hospital-acquired legionellosis in control of hospital-acquired infections. It is important for individual facilities to take measures based on their particular facility structure in order to reduce infection risks for hospitalized patients and improve cost efficiency.

Key words:Legionella, feed-water system, regular environmental inspection


Received: September 8, 2022
Accepted: January 16, 2023

38 (3):99─106,2023

Copyright © 2003 Japanese Society for Infection Prevention and Control All rights reserved.