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Article in Japanese

Concept of Infection Control in Home Care-Preparing for Promotion of Regional Comprehensive Care System

Yoshihiro TAKAYAMA
Division of Infectious Diseases, Okinawa Chubu Hospital

The Department of Home Medical Care was founded in Okinawa Chubu Hospital in 2011, and since then, we have been working with the aim of strengthening cooperation with regional comprehensive care systems. Giving advice on infection control at the time of discharging has also become an increasingly important task for us. By providing family doctors with clinical information on drug resistance and infection control policies, we have tried to make communication easier with practitioners of home medical care. As the number of elderly people living in each community will further increase, hospitals need to be more actively involved in home medical care. However, the guidelines of infection control for acute care hospitals cannot be applied directly to home medical care. Rather, an insight is needed to find clues for home care infection control strategies from the lifestyles established by patients and their supporters. Daily life infection control should not be instructed unilaterally by experts, but should rather be formed as a common value through the involvement of patients, families, and supporters. Daily life has a remarkable diversity. While respecting home medical care that has maintained this diversity, we will continue our support work so that infection control can be made a reality.

Key words:regional inclusive care system, home care, discharge support, drug-resistant organism


Received: October 14, 2018
Accepted: June 17, 2019

34 (5):242─245,2019

Copyright © 2003 Japanese Society for Infection Prevention and Control All rights reserved.