
The Japanese journal of neuropsychology

[Vol.29 No.1 contents]

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ArticleTitle Empathy as the origin of understanding
Language J
AuthorList Yutaka Sayeki
Affiliation Department of Social Informatics, Aoyama Gakuin University
Publication Japanese Journal of Neuropsychology: 29 (1), 14-21, 2013
Abstract "Understading" is not a process of sending information to the brain, but the process of putting or throwing your Self, inside the object you encounter to generate a variety of activities. Your entire body image is transformed into the object, and you 'become' the object. You feel the intention, tendency, or efforts of the object to engage in a particular activity under the constraints of the object and the environment. We call this kind of knowing processes 'anthropomorphic epistemology.' In this paper, we extend this way of knowing to the other person you encounter, the processes you ordinarily call 'empathy.' We discuss how people's emphatic understandings are difficult, using the concept of "Negative Capability," proposed by John Keats.
Keywords understandig, personal knowledge, anthropomorphic epistemology, the second-person approach

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