
The Japanese journal of neuropsychology

[Vol.30 No.1 contents]

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ArticleTitle Insular function in recognizing emotion
Language J
AuthorList Yuri Terasawa
Affiliation Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry
Publication Japanese Journal of Neuropsychology: 30 (1), 61-68, 2014
Abstract Insular cortex is known as a neural substrate for visceral sensation and neuropsychological studies have suggested its importance in recognizing disgust. However recent studies in the field of cognitive neuroscience reveal that insular cortex supports subjective feeling of various emotions through interoception (feeling of internal bodily state). This article reviewed some neuropsychological studies that examined the impact of insular lesion on recognizing emotion. Also, by introducing our previous studies about difficulties of recognizing emotion in right insula damaged patients, insular function in recognizing emotion were discussed.
Keywords interoception, body, subjective feeling of emotion, arousal

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