
The Japanese journal of neuropsychology

[Vol.30 No.4 contents]

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ArticleTitle Neural network of visual saliency
Language J
AuthorList Masatoshi Yoshida
Affiliation Department of Developmental Physiology, the National Institute for Physiological Sciences
School of Life Science, Graduate University for Advanced Studies
Publication Japanese Journal of Neuropsychology: 30 (4), 268-276, 2014
Abstract 'Saliency' refers to visual properties that draw bottom-up attention via temporal and spatial configuration of visual stimuli. This review summarizes current findings about how neural network computes visual saliency. 'Saliency computational model' assumes information processing of visual stimuli via feature analysis, feature map, saliency map and attention guidance map. Previous studies of monkey neurophysiology and human functional imaging revealed that saliency is computed in our neural network as assumed in the saliency computational model. These studies suggest involvement of the primary visual cortex, the ventral visual pathway, parietofrontal network and the superior colliculus in saliency computation.
Keywords saliency, attention, saccade, primary visual cortex, superior colliculus

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