
The Japanese journal of neuropsychology

[Vol.32 No.2 contents]

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ArticleTitle Syntactic comprehension deficits in aphasia: A consideration of mechanisms of language processing
Language J
AuthorList Ikuyo Fujita
Affiliation Graduate School of Health and Welfare Sciences, Department of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences
Publication Japanese Journal of Neuropsychology: 32 (2), 144-154, 2016
Abstract Syntactic comprehension deficits presenting with aphasia provide important information to clarify mechanisms of language processing. Numerous studies on agrammatic comprehension have been conducted from each language, and have yielded some common recognition about factors involved in syntactic comprehension in aphasia. In this paper, based on that, features of syntactic comprehension in Broca's and Wernicke's aphasia were investigated from effects of semantic reversibility, canonicity and syntactic complexity on sentence comprehension. Results showed that although both aphasic groups demonstrated high similar symptoms, a features of syntactic comprehension deficits in Broca's aphasia was difficulties of syntactic information processing and difficulties of thematic role processing in Wernicke's aphasia. Moreover, this study provided evidence for compensatory routes of sentence comprehension, which assign thematic roles based on information except syntactic rules. Finally, recent neuroimaging studies on the neural basis of syntactic comprehension were reviewed.
Keywords aphasia, syntactic comprehension deficit, syntactic processing, neural basis

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