
The Japanese journal of neuropsychology

[Vol.16 No.2 contents]

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ArticleTitle On validity of the "classical" theory of aphasia
Language J
AuthorList Kazuo Hadano
Affiliation Department of Psychogeriatrics, National Institute of Mental Health (NCNP)
Publication Japanese Journal of Neuropsychology: 16 (2), 85-90, 2000
Abstract The authors examined the validity of the "classical" theory of aphasia with correlation analyses between speech performances and cortical lesions in 116 aphasics. Nonfluency was correlated with the anterior language area only (Fig. 3-b), but disturbance of comprehension (Fig. 3-a) and of repetition (Fig. 4-a) was correlated with the perisylvian language area including both Broca's and Wernicke's area. A partial correlation analysis between disturbance of repetition and cortical lesions controlling for nonfluency and comprehension disturbance yielded the association of the repetition disturabence in the narrow sense with Wernicke's area and a part of supramarginal gyrus (Fig. 4-b). The authors discussed contributions of these findings to the localization theory of aphasia.
Keywords Classification of Aphasia, Wernicke-Lichtheim's Schema, "Classical Theory", Disturbance of Repetition

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