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Vol.43 No.12 2010 December [back to past issue list]
Necessity of Abdominal Drainage after Liver Resection
Fumitoshi Hirokawa, Michihiro Hayashi, Yoshiharu Miyamoto, Mitsuhiko Iwamoto, Mitsuhiro Asakuma, Koji Komeda, Tetsunosuke Shimizu, Yoshihiro Inoue and Nobuhiko Tanigawa
Jpn J Gastroenterol Surg 43: 1197-1204, 2010
[Abstract] [Full text ( PDF 253KB)]

A Case of Surgical Resection of Huge Esohageal Gastrointestinal Stormal Tumor after Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy
Hayato Nakamura, Kazuhiro Hiramatsu, Takehito Katoh, Masaomi Suzuki, Yoshihisa Shibata, Motoi Yoshihara and Takashi Ikeyama
Jpn J Gastroenterol Surg 43: 1205-1211, 2010
[Abstract] [Full text ( PDF 630KB)]

A Case Report of a Bochdalek's Hernia in an Adult with Gastric Perforation
Hirokazu Suwa, Yutaka Nagahori, Tetsuya Takahashi, Harumi Yamamoto, Shunichi Osada, Toru Kubota, Yoshirou Obi, Tetsuo Abe, Itaru Endo and Hiroshi Shimada
Jpn J Gastroenterol Surg 43: 1212-1217, 2010
[Abstract] [Full text ( PDF 524KB)]

A Case Report of Umbilical Metastasis of Gastric Cancer at Ten Years after Total Gastrectomy
Kenichi Matsuzu, Yasunobu Yamazaki, Satoshi Hasegawa, Hideyuki Ike, Nobuko Nakamura, Norio Yukawa, Yasushi Rino and Munetaka Masuda
Jpn J Gastroenterol Surg 43: 1218-1222, 2010
[Abstract] [Full text ( PDF 742KB)]

27months Recurrence-free Survival Case of Endcrine Cell Carcinoma of the Ampullary of Vater after Adjvant Chemotherapy
Daisuke Saikawa, Taku Hashimoto, Hironori Kasai, Yasuhiro Tani, Tomonori Nakagawa and Tomoyuki Takagi
Jpn J Gastroenterol Surg 43: 1223-1228, 2010
[Abstract] [Full text ( PDF 617KB)]

A Five Year Survival Case after Hepatectomy for Early Recurrence of Carcinoma of the Papilla of Vater
Keiko Nakadaira, Isao Kurosaki and Hidenori Ueki
Jpn J Gastroenterol Surg 43: 1229-1233, 2010
[Abstract] [Full text ( PDF 597KB)]

A Case of Colonic Liver Metastases with Macroscopic Intrabiliary Tumor Extension
Kenji Sakogawa, Koji Ohta, Minoru Tanada, Shinji Ohtani, Takaya Kobatake, Isao Nozaki, Kenjiro Aogi, Yoshiro Kubo, Akira Kurita and Shigemitu Takashima
Jpn J Gastroenterol Surg 43: 1234-1239, 2010
[Abstract] [Full text ( PDF 702KB)]

A Case of Cholangiolocellular Carcinoma with Sarcomatous Change
Shigeru Sasaki, Shinichiro Takahashi, Taira Kinoshita, Masaru Konishi, Toshio Nakagohri, Naoto Gotohda and Motohiro Kojima
Jpn J Gastroenterol Surg 43: 1240-1245, 2010
[Abstract] [Full text ( PDF 817KB)]

Two Cases of Hemosuccus Pancreaticus
Kimihiro Igari, Yuichiro Watanabe, Arihiro Aihara, Takanori Ochiai, Youichi Kumagai and Shigeru Yamazaki
Jpn J Gastroenterol Surg 43: 1246-1251, 2010
[Abstract] [Full text ( PDF 479KB)]

Groove Pancreatitis Associated with a Large Pseudocyst in the Muscular Layer of the Duodenal Wall: A Case Report
Takahiro Terashi, Hideki Ijichi, Seiji Maruyama, Rinshun Shimabukuro, Yoshitada Ono, Koji Joko, Shinji Yoshioka, Shigetoshi Murata, Yumi Oshiro and Takashi Nishizaki
Jpn J Gastroenterol Surg 43: 1252-1257, 2010
[Abstract] [Full text ( PDF 673KB)]

A Case of Fatty Replacement of Pancreatic Body and Tail Successfully Underwent Pancreatoduodenectomy without Pancreatic Reconstruction Followed by Adequate Control of Diabetes Mellitus
Hiroyoshi Matsukawa, Shigehiro Shiozaki, Norihisa Takakura, Yusuke Watanabe, Satoshi Ohno, Yasutomo Ojima, Masao Harano, Masahiko Nishizaki, Yasuhiro Choda and Motoki Ninomiya
Jpn J Gastroenterol Surg 43: 1258-1263, 2010
[Abstract] [Full text ( PDF 633KB)]

A Case of Acinar Cell Carcinoma of the Pancreas with Invasion into the Common Bile Duct
Yoshio Matsui, Kazuhito Yano, Youichirou Tamura and Takahisa Kageyama
Jpn J Gastroenterol Surg 43: 1264-1269, 2010
[Abstract] [Full text ( PDF 710KB)]

Clinicopathological Features of Delayed Isolated Lung Metastases after Radical Pancreatectomy for Pancreatic Cancer
Kabuto Takano, Isao Kurosaki, Masahiro Minagawa, Chie Kitami, Kazutoshi Date and Katsuyoshi Hatakeyama
Jpn J Gastroenterol Surg 43: 1270-1275, 2010
[Abstract] [Full text ( PDF 538KB)]

A Case of Signet Ring Cell Carcinoma of the Vermiform Appendix diagnosed as Acute Appendicitis at the Onset
Masayuki Tanaka, Tatsuya Matsuo, Daisuke Mori, Sadami Harada and Khoji Miyazaki
Jpn J Gastroenterol Surg 43: 1276-1281, 2010
[Abstract] [Full text ( PDF 740KB)]

A Case of Ileocolic Fistula One Year after Abdominal Trauma
Yusuke Ome, Kazuyuki Kawamoto, Izumi Kirino, Michio Okabe, Tadashi Ito and Keizo Ogasahara
Jpn J Gastroenterol Surg 43: 1282-1287, 2010
[Abstract] [Full text ( PDF 664KB)]

A Case of Splenic Artery-Superior Mesenteric Artery Bypass for Chronic Superior Mesenteric Artery Occlusion
Yousuke Kinjo, Mami Yoshitomi, Syugen Kan and Hidekazu Yamamoto
Jpn J Gastroenterol Surg 43: 1288-1292, 2010
[Abstract] [Full text ( PDF 470KB)]

Letters to the editor

Jpn J Gastroenterol Surg 43: 1293-1294, 2010
[Abstract] [Full text ( PDF 141KB)]

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